Healing and Empowerment
through holistic counselling and ADHD coaching
get in touch
“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation.
Healing is an act of communion.”
–bell hooks

About me

Welcome, I'm glad you're here.

I’m Amanda (she/they), a qualified counsellor and ADHD coach who values collective healing and liberation. I use trauma-informed and anti-oppression frameworks in my coaching and counselling, and I work affirmatively with People of Colour (POC) and/ or LGBTQIA+ individuals with a particular focus on queer, trans, non -binary and/or genderfluid communities. I also have experience working affirmatively with neurodivergent people.

I have trained in both the US and UK and have worked in the public health sector for over 10 years in areas including: community/complex mental health, supporting LGBTQ survivors of sexual trauma, HIV and sexual health, supporting sex workers, navigating homelessness, crisis stabilisation, substance use and supporting immigrants and asylum seekers. I have also provided employment support and coaching for young creatives and artists.

Outside of counselling and coaching, you can find me checking out live music and art exhibits, looking after my houseplants and enjoying necessary moments of laughter with loved ones.

My qualifications and accreditations include: 

  • Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, Smith College
  • PGDip in Counselling and Coaching, University of East London
  • Bachelors degree in Psychology, New College of Florida
  • Simply ADHD course, ADDCA
  • BACP registered
Image of Amanda Crutchley, Counsellor and Coach


Many people come to counselling when they are feeling overwhelmed or in crisis, while others may come to better understand themselves within a safer space. Counselling can be a place to explore and practice healing together, to uncover the strengths you inherently carry, and to help you gain insight. With compassion, curiosity and creativity, we can work together towards increasing self- awareness, help reconnect with your authentic self, your values and your communities, and move into empowering action.

I use a pro-intersectional framework and create a space where you can bring all aspects of who you are and feel seen and supported.  My practice incorporates integrative approaches and is collaborative, strengths based, person-centred and systems oriented. This means that we will go at your pace based on what we mutually identify would be most supportive for you, and we will also consider how the systems we exist in may be impacting you. Some approaches I use include: relational, CBT, narrative approaches, somatic (body) work, trauma informed approaches and liberation psychology.

In order to show up authentically for you, I am committed to continuously unlearning my own biases and challenging systems of power, both internally and externally.
Here, you'll find more information on the decolonizing therapy framework I use that considers the impact of power and privilege (credit: Jiyoun Kim) 

My current areas of focus include (but are not limited to):

  • Exploring cultural, racial and ethnic identity and ancestral roots
  • Exploring queer, trans, non-binary and/or genderqueer identities
  • Exploring diverse sexualities and relationships, including ethical non- monogamy/polyamory
  • Understanding ADHD
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Healing from systemic oppression (racism, ableism, transphobia, queerphobia, xenophobia, classism)
  • Significant life transitions
  • Navigating the intersections of queer, BIPOC and/or neurodivergent identities
  • Healing from religious upbringing
  • Navigating family of origin relationships
  • Internalised oppression and self worth
  • Work related stress and burnout
  • Coping in crisis
Close up image of waves crashing on a beach.

ADHD Coaching

In addition to counselling I also provide ADHD specific coaching. My focus was born out of an identified need within the communities I work with and belong to for this specific support.

ADHD coaching can include

  • Understanding your ADHD and tapping into your natural strengths
  • Exploring creative coping strategies within your personal life and work life
  • Understanding how to work alongside your unique ADHD brain wiring
  • Managing overwhelm
  • Challenging and dismantling ableism (both external and internal)
  • Exploring how to shape your environment to help you thrive
  • Expanding your self-compassion

Within this work I include an intersectional lens, particularly for queer and/or POC neurodivergent individuals. This means exploring all aspects of your identity and how they may intersect with your neurodivergence.

Image mapping out the many super powers of ADHD. Compassionate. Creative. Humorous. Passionate. Imaginative. Calm in crisis. Ability of hyper focus. Positive. Problem solver. Fun. Intuitive.


I offer a free 20-minute consultation where you can ask me any questions you might have about counselling or coaching, and where we can mutually determine if it feels like we would be a good fit to work together. Here are some questions to consider when choosing a counsellor which I would be happy to answer in our consultation session together. (Credit: Sonny Jane)

Counselling & ADHD Coaching Fees:

In order to provide various levels of access, the following fees are available for counselling and ADHD coaching*:

  • £60 for a person of average income and overheads
  • £80 for a person with above-average income and average overheads
  • For custom packages for organisations, including Access-to-Work quotes for coaching, please contact me to discuss options and pricing
  • I also offer a limited amount of concessionary rates based on your personal circumstances, and I encourage you to reach out for availability

*Access to Work for ADHD coaching:

For specialist ADHD coaching, you may qualify for government funding for ADHD coaching through the Access to Work program. I am happy to discuss this more during our free consultation session.

  • Access to work (ATW)  is aimed for people over 16,  employed/self employed/looking for work, and  have a disability or health condition
  • Through ATW, you can receive a grant for practical support with your work, including ADHD coaching, support workers and equipment
  • ATW does not have an upper income limit amount for eligiblity
  • ATW can also link up with your employer to provide assistance (although this would include disclosing your disability to your employer)
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion"- Albert Camus


Who do I work with in counselling and coaching?
Are sessions online still effective, rather than in person?
How long are coaching and counselling sessions?
How do we start?
Close up image of a Bird of Paradise flower.

Get in touch

If you'd like to book a 20 minute intro session with me, enter your email below and I'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Counselling and coaching sessions are online or via telephone only.

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently fully booked and my waitlist is temporarily closed for counselling and coaching services, please check this site for updates on the waitlist reopening.

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